Sunday, October 20, 2013

The animal sounds

Arnau Pejó  - 2nd Eso - let us listen to a nice song: “ What does the fox say?” 
Here's the video:

From this song we learn what dogs, cats, birds, mice, cows, frogs, elephants, ducks, fish, seals say.

Now you have to discover what pigs, owls, sheep, rabbits, people, snakes, chickens, bees, horses, donkeys, bears and lions say ...... and of course you will be the winner if you can discover what the fox says!

By the way, the song is sung by Ylvis, can you please tell me all you know about him? I'm curious! ;-).

Et pour mes élèves de Français...

C’est un des très grands mystères de la nature. Les  animaux, tout comme les humains ne parlent pas la même langue…

Chien- ouah, ouah, ouah                         Vache – meuh, meuh, meuh
Chat – miaou, miaou, miaou                  Corbeau – crôa, crôa, crôa
Chat content – ron, ron, ron                    Âne – hihan, hihan, hihan
Canard- couin, couin, couin                    Lion – roah, roah, roah
Cheval – hihihi, hihihi, hihihi,                  Mouton – bêê,bêê, bêê
Grenouillle – coa, coa, coa                      Oiseau – cui,cui,cui
Cochon – groin, groin, groin,                  Dindon – glou, glou, glou
Poule – cot, cot, cot                                   Coq – cocorico, cocorico, cocorico